Sunday, 6 December 2009

Low Level Aerial Photography

Low Level Aerial Photography, originally uploaded by A1 LAPP.

Located in Dorset, we primarily cover the South of England, but can undertake projects nationwide. The system we use is a 50ft telescopic mast to elevate a camera at the desired height, controlled from a laptop at ground level, which enables the capture of images from a wide area, making it suitable for a variety of services.

Poppy Field

Poppy Field, originally uploaded by A1 LAPP.

Why the Poppy?
A writer first made the connection between the poppy and battlefield deaths during the Napoleonic wars of the early 19th century, remarking that fields that were barren before battle exploded with the blood-red flowers after the fighting ended.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Monday, 26 October 2009

Higher Ansty - Dorset

Estate Agent job: Call on the Friday to photograph a cottage in Higher Ansty. Checked with the Met office and the best day was Sunday. Saturday it started off wet but cleared up by the afternoon. Sunday started off with blue skies and then started to get cloudy. I had arranged with the client I would photograph at 2ish. The clocks had gone back an hour on Saturday night. Lucky I turned up at 1:30 by 2:30 it went over cast and spits of rain.

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Melbury Downs - Dorset

On a return trip from North Dorset I noticed this field of poppies. Late afternoon there was many people still out walking. Never knew poppies were out this time of year. In the distance towards Blandford there was another field of poppies.

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Mapperton Gardens - Dorset

Mapperton Gardens:Mapperton´s terraced valley gardens surround the delightful Tudor/Jacobean manor house, stable blocks, dovecote and All Saints Church. On the upper levels, a walled croquet lawn, then the orangery, an ornate pavilion overlooking the Italianate formal garden with fountains, topiary, grottoes, ponds and herbaceous borders. Below, a 17th century summer house, hedged fishponds, topiary and borders.

Monday, 28 September 2009

LLAP - Horton Tower - Dorset

The unique landmark of Horton Tower rises high above the woods and fields. Built in 1750 by Humphrey Sturt, it was used as an observatory to watch the movement of deer.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Child Okeford Stone Circle

Stone Circle found at Child Okeford Dorset. A few years ago while flying over Child Okeford my pilot pointed out the stone circle. After many searches around Hambeldon Hill I came across the stone circle.

Sunday, 9 August 2009

St Adhelm's Chapel - Dorset

Late Saturday afternoon set up mast outside Chapel. Moved down towards Coast guard building and set up mast for further photographs. Couldn’t extend mast to full height because of strong wind. Waited till 8:30 ish for sun set but clouds hide the final setting!

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

All Saints Church - Chalbury - Dorset

All Saints church is set at one of the highest points in Dorset from which views can be seen on clear days of the Needles and the Isle of Wight.

The church comprises a chancel and nave and appears to date from the 13th century. It was partly rebuilt in the 16th century and extensively repaired in 1702. This church has the most completely preserved 18th centruy interior of any Dorset church.

A future project, as long as the weather stays dry and sunny! watch this space.

Thursday, 16 July 2009

RAF - Ibsley - Hampshire

Ibsley Control Tower.Ibsley was a very busy RAF airfield in the last great war. It was the location for a morale-boosting wartime movie starring David Niven, and was taken over by the Americans in 1943. Ibsley played a major role in the D-Day invasion. It survived for precious few years, the airfield having been lost, almost entirely, to gravel abstraction. All that is left is a ruined control tower surrounded by lakes.
Ibsley Historical Group have their base behind The Old Schoolhouse South Gorley. Their Open Day is the first weekend in August. Many of the buildings they use are old WWII structures.

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Shaftesbury Abbey Project.

Our second visit to Shaftesbury Abbey and Museum in July.
At 08:30am sharp, we set up our mast in the grounds of the Abbey. The weather was cloudy at first but soon changed sunny. We managed twp positions taking photographs of the ruined Abbey and the Herb garden. Hot cup of coffee and we was packing up our equipment and heading towards to the museum.
Pity we couldn’t see the Gold Hill from where we set up the mast. The sun was shining and we took some lovely photographs of the museum and the surrounding buildings. Packed up and burned off the disc before 10am. Walking back to the car I handed out brochures to the local estate agents.

Monday, 13 July 2009

Abbey House Gardens

After our visit to Abbey House Gardens in June, we came back to photograph the Gardens in July.
The owner Mr Ian Pollard asked to come as early as 5am. So with an early start we arrived at 06:45am. Set up Mast on the Upper Lawn to take our photographs.
The past week the weather has been unsettled and on our first visit it rained but this time it held off while we photographed these lovely gardens. Three and a half hours later we finished our work and had a lovely cup of tea, burned off two discs and handed them over to the owners. We had some odd showers but also some sunny spells.

Sunday, 12 July 2009

Bow Construction Ltd

Monday 6th July: Waking at 05:30am, a quick breakfast we made our way to Shrewsbury. Arrived at 7am and set up Mast on the Battlefield Enterprise Park. Weather report has said clouds!
The work force turned up early with clean vans except the boss! At 07:30am it started to rain. Our worst nightmare! All that way(5 hour drive plus sleep over) and it rains. The men were ready to set off for their work.
Lucky the rain stopped and we managed to photograph the vans in front of their office building. By 09:00am was ready to return home. After a few stops, we was home by 5pm.

Sunday, 14 June 2009

RAF - Hullavington - Wiltshire

Hullavington RAF Base. Still used for training by the MOD. Army camp next to airfield. Not much more information. Just passing by in the car and noticed these large hangers covered in grass.Private land.

Sunday, 7 June 2009

RAF - Ibsley - Hampshire

Ibsley airfield was the first of the airfields built in the Avon valley of Hampshire and the only fighter station in the area to have asphalt-surfaced runways. It was originally surveyed before the war but passed over until approved as a satellite and forward base for RAF Middle Wallop during 1940.

Taking on my Sony Ericisson C905 mobile phone

With the end of military control, the land (complete with runways, perimeter track, etc.) was handed back to the land owner, Lord Normanton, and his tenant, Mr W. Samson. Like some other Air Ministry sites of the era, Ibsley was to become a motor racing circuit being managed by the Ringwood Motor Cycle and Light Car Club. After an extended period of construction (mostly done by volunteer labor), the first racing event at Ibsley was held on 17 May 1951.

The various types of motor racing continued until 1955 and the land was turned into agricultural use for several years. In the early 1960s, Ibsley was sold to Amey Roadstone, which removed the existing concrete and whatever was left of the airfield hardstands for hardcore aggregate. In addition, the entire site was turned into a quarry to exploit the rich aggregate found beneath the surface.
Today, the former RAF Ibsley is unrecognizeable. The airfield consists mostly of a series of gravel pits and large landscaped lakes. One lake being overlooked by the derelict, windowless control tower. A small memorial is located near the control tower

The Westbury White Horse

The origin of the Westbury White Horse is obscure. It is often claimed to commemorate King Alfred’s victory at the Battle of Eðandun in 878, and while this is not impossible, there is no trace of such a legend before the second half of the eighteenth century. It should also be noted that the battle of Eðandun has only tentatively been identified with Edington in Wiltshire.

Sunday, 17 May 2009

The Tank Museum - Bovington - Doset

The Tank Museum houses the world’s best collection of tanks. Bovington has been home to the tank since its invention in World War One and the Royal Armoured Corps are still based here today.

Germans at Studland - Dorset

Fort Henry – Studland.
On April 4th 1944 Exercise Smash was conducted at Studland Bay in preparation for the D-Day landings. Whilst Valentine DD tanks were being tested, the wind and swell increased and as a result six tanks sank with the loss of six crew members. Today a memorial stands in their honour overlooking the beach.
Overlooking the sea on this site is Fort Henry, where Churchill, Eisenhower and others once watched as soldiers conducted their exercises. With walls 1 metre thick, it is the largest and strongest Observation post to be built in Britain.

Furzey Gardens - Spring - New Forset - Dorset

Final part of my seasons return to Furzey Gardens. Last year we arrived late July 2008 to take photographs of the Gardens and buildings. It was a lovely sunny day and we spent most of the day there. May of this year we returned to unsettled weather. Day one was sunny at first till it clouded over. Day two was over cast all day. The Garden was in full bloom with pinks, reds and many more colours. Hope to return again soon

Friday, 15 May 2009

Hillier Gardens - Hampshire

Hillier Gardens:
After my survey back in March, I came back to set up our mast in 5 positions in the gardens. Mast set up on May 5th and 6th. First day the weather was fair with some sun while the second day it was dull. The time slot was between 6pm till 8pm. The weather was the down side and with a bit more time I would have had some good photographs. The staff was very helpful. In whole I took some interesting photographs.

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Springhead Garden - fontmell Magna - Dorset

Experience the magic of this unique 18th century Mill situated in the heart of the North Dorset Downs. One of the main features of this historic wedding venue is the beautiful lake and landscaped gardens, with natural springs and lakeside walks.

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Shaftesbury Abbey Project.

Shaftesbury Abbey project. Photographs of the Abbey taken from mast in the next few weeks.

Shaftesbury Abbey was an abbey that housed nuns in Shaftesbury, Dorset. Founded in the year 888, the abbey was the wealthiest Benedictine nunnery in England, a major pilgrimage site, and the town's central focus. The abbey was destroyed in 1539 by the order of Thomas Cromwell.

Sunday, 19 April 2009

Blue Bell Wood - Pamphill - Dorset

Blue Bell Wood
The Abbot Street Copse in Pamphill is a wonderful place to visit in late April when the blue bells are out.
The carpet of colour and the drop of the trees give the copse a fairy like feel.

Monday, 13 April 2009

Portland - Dorset - 2012 Olympics

Portland will host the sailing events, based around the National Sailing Academy at Osprey Quay on Portland which was developed from the old naval station.Before photograph taken 12th April 2009 and by 2012 the Olympics would undoubtedly put the Dorset coast in the world's spotlight, as well as bringing sportsmen and women from 200 countries to venues across the south as national teams set up training camps in the run-up to the competitions.

Saturday, 4 April 2009

Child Okeford - Dorset - Retirement of Dr R Prior

A retirement party for Dr Roger Prior was held at Child Okeford Village Hall on Saturday 28th March. He was presented with a aerial photograph of the village (by Low Level Aerial Photography) and a cheque for over a thousand pounds. Roger is leaving for a life in France.

Castleton - Hope Valley - Derbyshire

Peak Cavern (The Devil’s Arse!) is the source of the village river, Peakshole Water and as such it is the only Cavern that has to be closed during the winter due to flooding. In the mouth of the cave, the largest in Britain, rope makers use to live and work. Their cottages have been demolished but 'rope walks' are still to be found.

Castleton - Hope Valley - Derbyshire

Castleton is an outstandingly pretty village situated at the head of the lovely Vale of Hope, in the heart of the Derbyshire Peak District National Park. It is surrounded on 3 sides by steep hills and the mighty bulk of Mam Tor looms high, 2 miles to the north west of the village. On a hill, overlooking Castleton, is the ancient Peveril Castle.

Castleton has 4 underground show caves, all worth a visit, for their own interesting features. These are Blue John Cavern, Speedwell Cavern, Treak Cliff Cavern and Peak Cavern.

Saturday, 21 March 2009

Shillingstone Station - Dorset.

Shillingstone Station Dorset was opened on the 31 august 1863 by the London and South Western Railways. The station was transferred to the Southern Railway at the Grouping of 1923, becoming part of the southern region of British Railways when the railways were nationalized in 1947, the station was closed when the S&DJR closed on 7th march 1966.The station was staffed until its closure in March 1966.

The 21st century has seen the station taken on by the Shillingstone Station Project. Their aim is to restore the station to its former condition.

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Holton Heath - Dorset

The Royal Navy Cordite Factory, Holton Heath, (RNCF), was set up at Holton Heath, Dorset in World War 1 to manufacture Cordite for the Royal Navy. It was reactivated in World War II to manufacture gun propellants for the Admiralty. After the end of World War II, the explosive manufacturing areas of the site were closed down. A major part of the explosives site became a nature reserve in 1981.

Cordite Factory - Holton Heath - Dorset

I’m also having an interest in local history. While on my travels I have always been interested what went on behind the fence at Black Hill Holton Heath.

Saturday, 7 March 2009

Hillier Gardens Hampshire

Sir Harold Hillier Gardens - Jermy's House. Job project in May 2009 with another 3 more mast positions around the gardens.

Hillier Gardens Hampshire

Sir Harold Hillier Gardens - Centenary Border. New job project for May 2009. Taken from ground level.

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Furzey Gardens Charitable Trust

Garden and Gallery opened 28 March 2009. Opened daily from 10am to 5pm March to October. In the winter, gardens only.Free car parking.
5 A1 photographs hanging from the beams of my work.

Friday, 20 February 2009

Lost village of Dorset