Friday, 20 July 2012

Tyneham Project

The StageThe Empty StageWorbarrow BayVideo of Range Walk - TynehamTyneham Farm - PAP (Pole Aerial Photography) VideoTyneham Village
Film Set - Dorset ChurchGhost VillageFilm Set - DorsetFilm Set - Tyneham VillageFilm Set - Dorset LifeClouds - Tyneham
Tyneham GardenInside Laundry CottagesHovis Bike?SCRAPPY WALLWindow Frame - TynehamRectory Cottages
Empty HomeGwyle Cottages - TynehamGardener's Cottage - TynehamEmpty GardenDorset's Lost VillageSt Mary's - Tyneham

Tyneham Project, a set on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
Tyneham is a small abandoned village around 5 miles west of Corfe Castle. The village dates back before medieval times and was a small thriving community with a Parish covering 3000 acres.

Six days before Christmas in 1943, the villagers of Tyneham in Dorset were ordered to leave their homes so the army could practise for the D-Day landings. The promise that they could return was broken. The army kept the land and the public was banished from this beautiful part of the Countryside.

After the war the village remained under military control and has been used for the past 50 years as a target area for the tanks stationed at the nearby barrack.

Today most of the village lies in ruins with only the church and school remaining fully intact. The old manor house and small cottages have collapsed with only parts of their walls remaining and all repairs to the remains of the village are taken care of by the military.

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