Sunday, 10 March 2013

Radar Memorial

Radar Memorial by LLAP Dorset
Radar Memorial, a photo by LLAP Dorset on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
2009 Texture - KF Amber 3 CS6 Radar memorial at St Aldhelm's Head Worth Matravers Dorset.
Textures kindly provided by Kerstin Frank .

The stainless steel memorial is set on a Purbeck stone plinth. It represents two radar dishes which are arranged in such a way that they also form a large fire basket. This reflects both ancient and modern methods to warn of invasion: fires were lit as beacons to warn of the Spanish armada while radar forms the modern equivalent.

Please contact me if you wish to use my photographs - either for non-profit or commercial use. All my images are © all rights reserved and are not to be used without my permission.

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