Sunday, 16 June 2013

Hillier Gardens with the GoPro Hero 2

Via Flickr:
Hillier Gardens Romsey Hampshire
Early start, 7am on an very windy morning just before the rain came! This years photographs of the border. Short video showing the Hero 2 at work.

Originally planted in 1964 by the late Sir Harold Hillier to celebrate 100 years of his family business, this Border has seen several changes over the past 45 years. What started with roses and many conifers changed to contain more shrubs and herbaceous plants, the grass path was widened and planting refreshed, in the past decade, the background shrubs had matured to such an extent that they took most of the light, water and nutrients, thus it was time to replant the Border.

All my photographs are copyright protected and may not be used in any manner without my consent.

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